Body Contouring

The primary goal of cosmetic surgery is to improve a person’s appearance and, thus, their self-esteem, by changing the way she or he looks. Cosmetic surgery can be performed on any part of the face and body.

Before making an appointment, consider the reasons for wanting to change how you look. Because cosmetic surgery can bring lasting and dramatic changes to the outside appearance, it is important to understand how these changes may affect you on the inside.

Consider  these questions before pursuing cosmetic surgery:

  • What are my motives for wanting to change how I look?

  • What do I specifically want to enhance or change about my appearance?

  • Do I have realistic expectations about the results of the surgery?

  • Have I talked about my questions and concerns openly with my cosmetic doctor?

Good candidates for cosmetic surgery:

  • Having realistic expectations about what can be accomplished.

  • Understanding the medical risks, physical effects during healing, how the surgery will affect you personally and professionally, what lifestyle changes may accompany the recovery period, and the expenses involved.

  • Having discussed your goals for surgery with your surgeon and resolved any questions.

  • Having diabetes or other chronic medical conditions under control.

  • Having no history of smoking or commit to abstain from smoking (including secondhand smoke) and nicotine products, including chewing tobacco and nicotine patches, gums or lozenges for six weeks before and after surgery.

  • Having had a stable weight for six months to one year.

How smoking impacts cosmetic surgery:

  • Nicotine, carbon monoxide and other toxins decrease blood flow to the skin.

  • Smoking worsens scarring and affects wound healing.

  • Smoking increases the risk of post-anesthesia complications (pneumonia, hypertension, blood clots).

All surgeries, including cosmetic procedures, carry risk. Those with a history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, lung disease, or obesity have a higher risk of developing complications such as pneumonia, stroke, heart attack or blood clots in the legs or lungs. Smoking also increases risks and interferes with healing.

A meeting with the surgeon will include a discussion of these risks and others related to the patient’s health history.

Realistic expectations are key — the goal is improvement, not perfection

Call us today to schedule a consultation & get the RESULTS you desire!
YOUR procedure performed by YOUR physician!

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