Chest Masculinization (Top Surgery)

Chest masculinization (top surgery) is a surgery designed to remove female breasts in order to create the appearance of a male chest. The use of hormone therapy usually adds hair and muscle mass to the chest, increasing the masculine appearance. During the procedure the breast tissue is removed from beneath the skin while the nipple/areola complex is left intact. The nipple/areola complex is made smaller to achieve the appearance of a male areola/nipple.

For patients with small breasts little to no skin has to be removed during the procedure which results in a fairly simple procedure with minimal scarring.

Large areolae can be reduced in diameter and the projection of nipples can be reduced as well. Typically with a small breast, only one incision around the areola is needed, resulting in a nearly invisible scar.

For patients with larger and more drooping breasts the overall procedure requires more skin removal and elevation of the nipple/areola. This approach requires a long, separate incision beneath each breast which results in large, visible scars.

The chest masculinization surgery is performed on an outpatient basis in our onsite OR Suite. While the majority of the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, moderate sedation is used to keep patients comfortable. Patients are asked to have a licensed, adult driver present the day of the surgery (at check in and discharge). A surgical timeline can be provided upon request.

Most types of employment can be resumed in as little as 1 week. Strenuous, physical activity should be avoided for at least 2 weeks, or until you are cleared to do so by your surgeon. Complete pre-operative and post-operative instructions are given to patients at the time of their consultation.

We look forward to helping you achieve the results you desire.

Frequently Asked Questions - Female to Male

What surgical options does 4Ever Young offer for Female to Male transition?

For patients transitioning from Female to Male we offer chest masculinization (top surgery), buttock reduction, as well as body contouring.

What is the cost for Female to Male transition surgery?

The total cost will be dependent upon which procedure(s) are performed. An official written quote based on desired procedure(s) is provided after a consultation with our surgeon. The quote will include the price for each procedure, as well as any surgical fees that might be included.

Will my insurance cover this?

There are some insurance companies that will cover FTM Top Surgery. We will accept payment from a patient’s insurance company; however, the responsibility of working with the insurance company lies solely with the patient and we must receive full payment for the procedure prior to the scheduled procedure date. In the event that insurance does not cover your desired procedure(s), we do work with a third party financing company that offer loans for medical procedures.

Should I stay locally for my procedure(s)?

For patients who are coming from out of town/out of state we recommend that you stay locally, as you will be seen in the office by the surgeon 24 hours after your procedure(s). Drains will need to be removed 5 days later for patients who have chest masculinization (Top Surgery); these out of town/out of state patients may want to stay locally for at least 7 days.

Are there any other follow up appointments?

Our surgeon prefers follow up appointments at the following intervals: 2 weeks; 4 weeks; 6 weeks; 6 months; and 1 year. We understand that this may be difficult for patients coming from out of town/out of state; however, we ask that you do your best to make these follow up appointments. Weekday evening, as well as Saturday appointments can be made to accommodate those who need them.

Top Surgery in Atlanta

Top Surgery Atlanta, Atlanta top surgery

Breast Augmentation

One of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries in the United States, breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that involves the placement of implants to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts.

For patients who are transitioning from male to female, there is usually some development of breasts secondary to hormone therapy. Most of these patients develop about an “A” cup size. For patients who desire a larger breast than hormones alone can produce, the option of breast augmentation should be explored.

There are several different options a patient has to consider when discussing breast augmentation with a surgeon. Listed below are some of the options one must take into consideration:

  • saline vs. silicone vs. fat transfer

  • round vs. teardrop

  • smooth vs. textured

  • moderate vs. high or low profile

  • size

All of which are discussed by our surgeon during your consultation.

Breast augmentation surgery is performed on an outpatient basis in our onsite OR Suite. While the majority of the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, moderate sedation is used to keep patients comfortable. Patients are asked to have a licensed, adult driver present the day of the surgery (at check in and discharge).

Most types of employment can be resumed in as little as 1 week. Strenuous, physical activity should be avoided for at least 4 weeks, or until you are cleared to do so by your surgeon. Complete pre-operative and post-operative instructions are given to patients at the time of their consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions - Male to Female

What surgeries does 4Ever Young offer for Male to Female transition?

For patients transitioning from Male to Female we offer breast augmentation, buttock

enhancement, as well as body contouring.

What is the cost for Male to Female transition surgery?

The total cost will be dependent upon which surgeries are performed. An official, written quote based on desired procedures is provided after a consultation with our surgeon. The quote will include the cost the of each procedure, as well as any additional surgical fees.

Will my insurance cover this?

There are insurance companies that will cover certain gender reassignment surgeries. We will accept payment from a patient’s insurance company; however, the responsibility of working with the insurance company lies solely with the patient and we must receive full payment for the procedure prior to the scheduled procedure date. In the event that insurance does not cover your desired procedure(s), we do work with a third party financing company that offer loans for medical procedures.

Will I need to stay locally?

For patients who are coming from out of town/out of state we recommend that you stay locally, as you will be seen in the office by the surgeon 24 hours after your procedure(s).

Are there any other follow up appointments?

Our surgeon prefers follow up appointments at the following intervals: 2 weeks; 4 weeks; 6 weeks; 6 months; and 1 year. We understand that this may be difficult for patients coming from out of town/out of state; however, we ask that you do your best to make these follow up appointments. Weekday evening, as well as Saturday appointments can be made to accommodate those who need them.

Buttock Enhancement

Buttock enhancement or buttock reduction surgeries can be scheduled by transitioning patients who wish to achieve a classically feminine or masculine look. The feminine appearance of the buttocks is round and full. While the appearance of the male buttocks is small, angular, and firm.

While implants can be placed in the buttocks, the most requested procedure for buttock enhancement for transitioning males is the “Brazilian Butt Lift.” Some of the advantages of the procedure, which have lead to its growth in popularity, include the following:

  • surgery is less complicated

  • recovery time is shorter

  • provides more natural-looking results

  • none of the complications that are associated with implants

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a procedure that utilizes the patient’s own fat as a means for enhancement. Fat is obtained from the patient via liposuction, it is then processed (washed with sterile saline and antibiotics), drawn into individual syringes, and strategically injected into the buttocks. The surgeon can better control the outcome by varying the depth at which he places the fat, along with how he distributes and sculpts the fat. The careful harvesting, handling, and injecting of the fat allows for a very natural looking buttocks. Fat harvested can also be transferred to create the appearance of fuller hips for the transitioning male. The addition of PRP (platelet rich plasma) is offered as an add-on to the Brazilian Butt Lift to help increase the viability of the transferred fat.

Buttock reduction can be performed for female to male patients. Overall size reduction and shaping of the buttocks is accomplished via liposuction. Liposuction may also be used to sculpt a more male appearing body for those patients who desire it.

Buttock enhancement and reduction surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis in our onsite OR Suite. While the majority of the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, moderate sedation is used to keep patients comfortable. Patients are asked to have a licensed, adult driver present the day of the surgery (at check in and discharge).